My Water Quality - Aquatic Ecosystems

Are Our Aquatic Ecosystems Healthy?

California has many types of aquatic habitats. Follow the links below to learn more …

Wetlands Wetlands Portal
Wetlands form along the shallow margins of deepwater ecosystems such as lakes, estuaries, and rivers. They also form in upland settings where groundwater or runoff makes the ground too wet for upland vegetation.
EstuariesEstuaries Portal
Estuaries are unique habitats found where rivers and the ocean mix. They feature a diverse array of plants and animals adapted to life along the mixing zone.

Streams and Rivers Streams & Rivers Portal
California's streams and rivers flow through diverse habitats, from mountain canyons, valleys, deserts, estuaries and urban areas. Riparian woodlands develop along stream banks and floodplains, linking forest, chaparral, scrubland, grassland, and wetlands. California lakes, supporting deep water, wetlands, riparian woodlands, offer a quiet refuge for plants, animals and humans alike.
OceanOcean & Coastal Portal
California has 1,100 miles of shoreline and 220,000 square miles of state and federal oceanic habitat, featuring one of the world's most diverse marine ecosystems.