Safe to Eat Workgroup Relevant Literature

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2024 Levanduski E., Richter W., Becker J., Hassanzadeh Y., Razavi N. R. Two for the price of one: deriving Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) fillet and whole-body conversion equations in fish Environmental Science & Technology Letters
2023 Bedi M., Sapozhnikova Y., Taylor R. B., Ng C. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) measured in seafood from a cross-section of retail stores in the United States Journal of Hazardous Materials
2023 Melnyk L.J., Lazorchak J.M., Kusnierz D.H., Perlman G. D., Lin J., Venkatapathy R., Sundaravadivelu D., Thorn J., Durant J., Pugh K., Stover M. A. One Health assessment of persistent organic chemicals and PFAS for consumption of restored anadromous fish Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology
2023 Morrison E. B., Pappani J., Prouty A., McChesney H. M., Anderson P.D. Inorganic arsenic concentration in fish governed by trophic level and size, not water concentration: implications for human health water quality criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
2024 Puglis H. J., Iacchetta M. Toxicity of wildland fire retardants to rainbow trout in short exposures Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
2023 Willacker J. J., Eagles-Smith C. A., Chandler J. A., Naymik J., Myers R., Krabbenhoft D. P. Reservoir stratification modulates the influence of impoundments on fish mercury concentrations along an arid land river system Environmental Science & Technology
2023 United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)

National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA): The Third Collaborative Survey (2018-19)

Interactive Dashboard

United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
2023 Lepak J. M., Johnson B. M., Hooten M. B., Wolff B. A., Hansen A. G. Predicting sport fish mercury contamination in heavily managed reservoirs: Implications for human and ecological health PLoS ONE
2023 Bourne K., Curtis A. N., Chipman J., Chen C. Y., Borsuk M. E. Patterns of co-contamination in freshwater and marine fish of the Northeastern USA Environmental Modeling & Assessment
2023 Piro A. J., Taipale S. J., Laiho H. M., Eerola E. S., Kahilainen K. K. Fish muscle mercury concentration and bioaccumulation fluctuate year-round - Insights from cyprinid and percid fishes in a humic boreal lake Environmental Research
2023 Norman H. 'Forever chemicals' found in freshwater fish, yet most states don't warn residents KFF Health News
2023 DeLuca N. M., Mullikin A., Brumm P., Rappold A. G., Hubal E. C. Using geospatial data and Random Forest to predict PFAS contamination in fish tissue in the Columbia River Basin, United States Environmental Science & Technology
2023 Lu H., Zhou J. Y., Yang F., Wang B. L., Cheng Z. W., Shen Z. M., Yuan T. Ecological toxic effect of Perfluorinated compounds on fish based on meta-analysis Europe PMC
2023 Hamid N., Junaid M., Manzoor R., Sultan M., Chuan O. M., Wang J. An integrated assessment of ecological and human health risks of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances through toxicity prediction approaches Science of The Total Environment
2023 Amerizadeh A., Gholizadeh M., Karimi R. Meta-analysis and health risk assessment of toxic heavy metals in muscles of commercial fishes in Caspian Sea. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2023 Fortes W. M. P. A., Costa Souza L., Azevedo V. C., Griboff J., Monferrán M. V., Wunderlin D. A., Matsumoto S. T., Fernandes M. N. Metal/metalloid bioconcentration dynamics in fish and the risk to human health due to water contamination with atmospheric particulate matter from a metallurgical industrial area Science of The Total Environment
2023 de Pinho J. V., Lopes A. P., de Almeida Rodrigues P., Gomes Ferrari R., Hauser-Davis R. A., Conte-Junior C. A. Food safety concerns on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in fish products from estuarine bays throughout the American continent Science of The Total Environment
2023 Chen Z., Zhan X., Zhang J., Diao J., Su C., Sun Q., Zhou Y., Zhang L., Bi R., Ye M., Wang T. Bioaccumulation and risk mitigation of legacy and novel perfluoroalkyl substances in seafood: Insights from trophic transfer and cooking method Environment International
2021 Skafi M., Vo Duy S., Munoz G., Dinh Q. T., Simon D. F., Juneau P., Sauvé, S. Occurrence of microcystins, anabaenopeptins and other cyanotoxins in fish from a freshwater wildlife reserve impacted by harmful cyanobacterial blooms Toxicon
2023 Brown A. S., Yun X., McKenzie E. R., Heron C. G., Field J. A., Salice C. J. Spatial and temporal variability of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in environmental media of a small pond: toward an improved understanding of PFAS bioaccumulation in fish Science of The Total Environment
2023 Li Y., Yao J., Pan Y., Dai J., Tang J. Trophic behaviors of PFOA and its alternatives perfluoroalkyl ether carboxylic acids (PFECAs) in a coastal food web Journal of Hazardous Materials
2020 Bjorke-Monsen A., Varsi K., Averina M., Brox J., Huber S. Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and mercury in never-pregnant women of fertile age: association with fish consumption and unfavorable lipid profile BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health
2015 Hardy F. J., Johnson A., Hamel K., Preece E. Cyanotoxin bioaccumulation in freshwater fish, Washington State, USA Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2023 Bechard A., Lang C. Seafood consumption during harmful algal blooms: the impact of information regarding safety and health Harmful Algae
2023 George S. E., Baker T. R., Baker B. B. Nonlethal detection of PFAS bioaccumulation and biomagnification within fishes in an urban- and wastewater-dominant Great Lakes watershed Environmental Pollution
2023 Kolanczyk R.C., Saley M.R., Serrano J.A., Daley S.M., Tapper M.A. PFAS biotransformation pathways: a species comparison study Toxics
2023 Soerensen A. L., Faxneld S., Pettersson M., Sköld M. Fish tissue conversion factors for mercury, cadmium, lead and nine per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances for use within contaminant monitoring Science of The Total Environment
2023 Talley T.S., Loflen C., Venuti N., Pedersen D., Gossett R., Baker M.D. Contaminant risk and social vulnerability associated with crustacean shellfish harvest in the highly urbanized San Diego Bay, USA Environments
2018 Loflen C. L., Buck T., Bonnema A., Heim W. A. Pollutant bioaccumulation in the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) in San Diego Bay, California, and potential human health implications Marine Pollution Bulletin
2023 Basu N., Bastiansz A., Dórea J. G., Fujimura M., Horvat M., Shroff E., Weihe P., Zastenskaya I. Our evolved understanding of the human health risks of mercury Ambio
2023 Alemayehu D., Rudra P., Mathews S., Douglas E., Regnier C. Assessment of Mercury Concentrations in Water and Fish Tissue Analysis in Kaw Lake, Oklahoma, 2022 Journal of Environmental Protection
2023 Shahmohamadloo R. S., Bhavsar S. P., Ortiz Almirall X., Marklevitz S. A. C., Rudman S. M., Sibley P. K. Lake Erie fish safe to eat yet afflicted by algal hepatotoxin Science of The Total Environment
2023 Yun X., Lewis A. J., Stevens-King G., Sales C. M., Spooner D. E., Kurz M. J., Suri R., McKenzie E. R Bioaccumulation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances by freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates: impact of species and sediment organic carbon content Science of The Total Environment
2023 Barbo N., Stoiber T., Naidenko O. V., Andrews D. Q. Locally caught freshwater fish across the United States are likely a significant source of exposure to PFOS and other perfluorinated compounds Environmental Research
2022 Connelly N. A., Lauber T. B., Knuth B. A. Preferences for seafood consumption advice in pregnant American women Environmental Research
2018 Dellinger M. J., Olson J., Clark R., Pingatore N., Ripley M. P. Development and pilot testing of a model to translate risk assessment data for Great Lakes Native American communities using mobile technology Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal
2019 Dellinger M. J., Lyons M., Clark R., Olson J., Pingatore N., Ripley M. Culturally adapted mobile technology improves environmental health literacy in Laurentian, Great Lakes Native Americans (Anishinaabeg) Journal of Great Lakes Research
2020 Dellinger M. J., Anguzu R., Pingatore N., Ripley M. Risk-benefit modeling to guide health research in collaboration with Great Lakes fish consuming Native American communities Journal of Great Lakes Research
2022 Love D. C., Thorne-Lyman A. L., Conrad Z., Gephart J. A., Asche F., Godo-Solo D., McDowell A., Nussbaumer E. M., Bloem M. W. Affordability influences nutritional quality of seafood consumption among income and race/ethnicity groups in the United States The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2022 Pickard H. M., Ruyle B. J., Thackray C. P., Chovancova A., Dassuncao C., Becanova J., Vojta S., Lohmann R., Sunderland E. M. PFAS and precursor bioaccumulation in freshwater recreational fish: implications for fish advisories Environmental Science & Technology
2022 Pulster E. L., Rullo K., Gilbert S., Ash T. M., Goetting B., Campbell K., Markham S., Murawski S. A. Assessing Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in sediments and fishes in a large, urbanized estuary and the potential human health implications Frontiers in Marine Science
2022 Stahl L. L., Snyder B. D., McCarty H. B., Kincaid T. M., Olsen A. R., Cohen T. R., Healey J.C. Contaminants in fish from U.S. rivers: probability-based national assessments Science of the Total Environment
2022 Weinstein J. E., Ertel B. M., Gray A. D. Accumulation and depuration of microplastic fibers, fragments, and tire particles in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica: A toxicokinetic approach Environmental Pollution
2022 Cara B., Lies T., Thimo G., Robin L., Lieven B. Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in marine biota from the Belgian North Sea: Distribution and human health risk implications Environmental Pollution
2023 Sun T., Ji C., Li F., Wu H. Beyond the exposure phase: Microplastic depuration and experimental implications Science of The Total Environment
2022 Chen Y., Shen Z., Li G., Wang K., Cai X., Xiong X., Wu C. Factors affecting microplastic accumulation by wild fish: A case study in the Nandu River, South China Science of The Total Environment
1996 James Allen M., Velez P. V., Diehl D. W., McFadden S. E., Keish, M. Demographic variability in seafood consumption rates among recreational anglers of Santa Monica Bay, California, in 1991-1992 Fishery Bulletin
2001 Environmental Health Investigations Branch, California Department of Health Services, Impact Assessment, Incorporated San Francisco Bay seafood consumption report
Executive Summary
San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI)
2004 CIC Research, Inc., Stratus Consulting, Inc. A survey on recreational and subsistence fishing in Southern California coastal waters United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
2005 Garcia E., Carignan R. Mercury concentrations in fish from forest harvesting and fire‐impacted Canadian Boreal lakes compared using stable isotopes of nitrogen Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal
2005 Allen E. W., Prepas E. E., Gabos S., Strachan W. M., Zhang W. Methyl mercury concentrations in macroinvertebrates and fish from burned and undisturbed lakes on the Boreal Plain Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
2006 Kelly E. N., Schindler D. W., Louis V. L. S., Donald D. B. and Vladicka K. E. Forest fire increases mercury accumulation by fishes via food web restructuring and increased mercury inputs Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
2008 James Allen M., Jarvis E. T., Raco-Rands V., Lyon G., Reyes J. A., Petschauer, D. M. Extent of fishing and fish consumption by fishers in Ventura and Los Angeles country watersheds in 2005 Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP)
2009 Woodruff L. G., Sandheinrich M. B., Brigham M. E., Cannon W. F. Impact of wildfire on levels of mercury in forested watershed systems – Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota United States Geological Survey (USGS)
2010 Pomeroy C., Thomson C. J., Stevens M. M. California’s North Coast Fishing Communities Historical Perspective and Recent Trends California Sea Grant College Program
2010 Prendergast L., Foster K. Analysis of microcystin in fish in Copco and Iron Gate Reservoirs in 2009 PacifiCorp Energy
2010 Shilling F., White A., Lippert L., Lubell M. Contaminated fish consumption in California’s Central Valley Delta Environmental Research
2011 The Sierra Fund Gold Country angler survey: a pilot study to assess mercury exposure from sport fish consumption in the Sierra Nevada
Executive Summary
The Sierra Fund
2014 Shilling F., Negrette A., Biondini L., Cardenas S. California Tribes Fish-Use State Water Resources Control Board
2016 Moreno C. E., Fjeld E., Lydersen E. The effects of wildfire on mercury and stable isotopes (δ15N, δ13C) in water and biota of small boreal, acidic lakes in southern Norway Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
2017 Riggs C. E., Kolka R. K., Nater E. A., Witt E. L., Wickman T. R., Woodruff L. G., Butcher J. T. Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) mercury unaffected by wildland fires in northern Minnesota Journal of Environment Quality
2017 Steinberg S. J., Moore S. San Diego Bay fish consumption study: identifying fish consumption patterns of anglers in San Diego Bay Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP)
2018 Kalt J., Taylor R. Mercury testing of sport/food fishes within Humboldt Bay Humboldt Baykeeper
2018 Seelos M. Santa Clara County Angler Survey Santa Clara Valley Water District
2020 Mason E. T., Kellum A. N., Chiu J. A., Waltz G. T., Murray S., Wendt D. E., Starr R. M., Semmens B. X. Long-term participation in collaborative fisheries research improves angler opinions on marine protected areas PeerJ
2020 Gerson J. R., Walters D. M., Eagles-Smith C. A., Bernhardt E. S., Brandt J. E. Do Two Wrongs Make a Right? Persistent Uncertainties Regarding Environmental Selenium –Mercury Interactions Environmental Science & Technology
2021 Hebert C. E., Chételat J., Beck R., Dolgova S., Fordy K., Kirby P., Martin P., Rabesca M. Inter-annual variation of mercury in aquatic bird eggs and fish from a large subarctic lake under a warming climate Science of the Total Environment
2021 McLaughlin K., Davis J., Bonnema A., Du B., Ichikawa G., Jakl W., Heim W., Schiff K. Regional assessment of contaminant bioaccumulation in sport fish tissue in the Southern California Bight, USA Marine Pollution Bulletin
2022 Sundaravadivelu D., Sanan T. T., Venkatapathy R., Mash H., Tettenhorst D., DAnglada L., Frey S., Tatters A. O., Lazorchak J. Determination of Cyanotoxins and Prymnesins in Water, Fish Tissue, and Other Matrices: A Review Toxins
2022 Huntsman B. M., Mahardja B., Bashevkin, S. M. Relative Bias in Catch Among Long-Term Fish Monitoring Surveys Within the San Francisco Estuary San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science
2022 Zhang L., Du S., Liu D., Dong D., Zhang W., Guo Z. Antibiotics in fish caught from ice-sealed waters: spatial and species variations, tissue distribution, bioaccumulation, and human health risk Science of The Total Environment
2022 Azevedo L. S., Pestana I. A., Nascimento L., Oliveira R. C., Bastos W. R., di Beneditto A. P. M. Risk of exposure to Hg and pesticides residues in a traditional fishing community in the Amazon: a probabilistic approach based on dietary pattern Environmental Science and Pollution Research
2022 Abihssira-García I. S., Kögel T., Gomiero A., Kristensen T., Krogstad M., Olsvik P. A. Distinct polymer-dependent sorption of persistent pollutants associated with Atlantic salmon farming to microplastics Marine Pollution Bulletin
2022 Jordan-Ward R., von Hippel F. A., Zheng G., Salamova A., Dillon D., Gologergen J., Immingan T., Dominguez E., Miller P., Carpenter D., Postlethwait J. H., Byrne S., Buck C. L. Elevated mercury and PCB concentrations in Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) collected near a formerly used defense site on Sivuqaq, Alaska Science of The Total Environment
2022 Alam L., Sumaila U. R., Bari M. A., Rusydy I., Musthafa M. S., Mokhtar M. Investigating fish contamination scenario and community willingness to adopt consumption advice proposing an advisory option Environmental Science and Pollution Research
2022 Peng L., Liu Y., Chen W., Liu L., Kent M., Song L. Health risks associated with consumption of microcystin-contaminated fish and shellfish in three Chinese lakes: Significance for freshwater aquacultures Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
2022 Costa F., Mieiro C. L., Pereira M. E., Coelho J. P. Mercury bioaccessibility in fish and seafood: Effect of method, cooking and trophic level on consumption risk assessment Marine Pollution Bulletin
2022 Paul M. J., LeDuc S. D., Lassiter M. G., Moorhead L. C., Noyes P. D., Leibowitz S. G. Wildfire induces changes in receiving waters: a review with considerations for water quality management. Water Resources Research
2022 Dellinger M. J., Pingatore N., Chelius T., Visotcky A., Sparapani R., Ripley M. Environmental health literacy for Anishinaabe (Great Lakes Native American) fish consumers: A randomized control trial Environmental Research
2022 Talley T. S., Loflen C., Gossett R., Pedersen D., Venuti N., Nguyen J., Gersberg R. Contaminant concentrations and risks associated with the Pacific oyster in the highly urbanized San Diego Bay Marine Pollution Bulletin